International concert pianist.
Top places in the most famous international competitions.
Postmaster, master, and licence degrees with highest honours from European leading universities | Triple degree of post-specialization | Double gold medal of piano and chamber music with hightest honours too.
Performances in prestigious places such as Mozarteum in Salzburg, Liechtenstein Palace in Prague, de Doelen in Rotterdam, Alfred Cortot in Paris, Palazzo Duccale in Tuscany, Festival "Printemps des Alizées" in Morocco, etc..
Collaborations on many occasions with famous personalities of the international musical scene, such as B. Rigutto, J-B. Pommier, M. Rubackyté or N. Luganski.
Performances uninamously salutated by more than fifty press articles, as well as several TV and radio appearances, in Europe and North Africa.
Paintings and concertos dedicated thereto