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Home Freshalicious

14K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hello, I am Fatima the 'Home Freshalicious' 🤗 I am in the P

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Home Freshalicious
Posted 1 week ago

Hello friends 🤗, I hope you are all doing well! I am sorry it has been so long since I posted. I've taken some time to learn a new editing program. Also, life started going too fast, and I need to slow things down a bit. But, I have so much I would like to share with you! I hope you will be here with me. I have a new video coming up tomorrow September 24th.

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 5 months ago

Hello everyone! I hope you are well at this beginning of Spring 2024. Just wanted to let you know that I will have a new video out tomorrow 4/14 at 9AM eastern time. I hope you enjoy it. 😊

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 9 months ago

Hi everyone, Here is my new video! Have a great day!🤗❤️

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 10 months ago

Hello everyone, My latest video just in case you missed it! Have a lovely week! 🤗

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 10 months ago

Hi guys! New video tomorrow 12/1/2023 at 9AM Eastern. See you then!

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 10 months ago

Hello friends, how are you doing? I have a new video coming soon. But I would like to bring back memories of my last holiday video in case you would like to check it out!

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 1 year ago

Hello everyone, 🥰 how have you been? Life has been busy I have a sixth and fourth grader now! But I managed to come up with a video for you 😅 tomorrow, Thursday October, 05 2023 at 6 AM USA Pacific time. I hope to see you then! Happy Fall Season! 🍂🍁

مرحباً بالجميع، كيف حالكم؟ لقد كانت الحياة مزدحمة لدي الآن طالب في الصف السادس والرابع! لكنني تمكنت من ابتكار فيديو لكم 😅 غدًا الخميس الموافق 05 أكتوبر 2023 الساعة 6 صباحًا بتوقيت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمحيط الهادئ. آمل أن أراك بعد ذلك! موسم خريف سعيد! 🍂🍁

大家好,🥰 最近过得怎么样?生活很忙碌,我现在有一个六年级和四年级的学生了!但我设法为您制作了一个视频😅,明天,即 2023 年 10 月 5 日星期四,美国太平洋时间上午 6 点。我希望届时能见到你!秋季快乐! 🍂🍁

Pozdrav svima, 🥰 kako ste? Život je bio užurban, sada imam učenika šestog i četvrtog razreda! Ali uspio sam smisliti video za vas 😅 sutra, četvrtak, 5. listopada 2023. u 6 ujutro po američkom pacifičkom vremenu. Nadam se da se vidimo tada! Sretna jesen! 🍂🍁

Ahoj všichni, 🥰 jak se máte? Život byl rušný Mám teď žáka šesté a čtvrté třídy! Podařilo se mi ale pro vás vymyslet video 😅 zítra, ve čtvrtek 5. října 2023 v 6 hodin ráno amerického tichomořského času. Doufám, že se pak uvidíme! Šťastnou podzimní sezónu! 🍂🍁

Hej alle sammen 🥰 hvordan har I haft det? Livet har været travlt Jeg har en sjette og fjerde klasse nu! Men det lykkedes mig at komme med en video til dig 😅 i morgen, torsdag den 5. oktober 2023 kl. 06.00 USA Pacific time. Jeg håber at se dig så! Glædelig efterårssæson! 🍂🍁

Hallo allemaal, 🥰hoe is het met jullie? Het leven is druk geweest. Ik heb nu een zesde en vierde klasser! Maar het is me gelukt om een ​​video voor je te bedenken 😅 morgen, donderdag 5 oktober 2023 om 6 uur 's ochtends, Pacific Time. Ik hoop je dan te zien! Gelukkig herfstseizoen! 🍂🍁

Hei kaikille,🥰 miten teillä on mennyt? Elämä on ollut kiireistä Minulla on nyt kuudes ja neljäs luokkalainen! Mutta onnistuin keksimään sinulle videon 😅 huomenna torstaina 05.10.2023 klo 6 USA Tyynenmeren aikaa. Toivottavasti nähdään silloin! Hyvää syyskautta! 🍂🍁

Bonjour à tous, 🥰 comment allez-vous ? La vie a été bien remplie. J'ai maintenant un élève de sixième et quatrième année ! Mais j'ai réussi à vous proposer une vidéo 😅 demain, jeudi 05 octobre 2023 à 6 heures du matin, heure du Pacifique des États-Unis. J'espère vous voir alors ! Bonne saison d'automne ! 🍂🍁

Hallo zusammen,🥰 wie geht es euch? Das Leben war arbeitsreich, ich habe jetzt einen Sechst- und einen Viertklässler! Aber ich habe es geschafft, ein Video für Sie zu erstellen 😅 morgen, Donnerstag, 05. Oktober 2023, 6 Uhr morgens (Pazifikzeit, USA). Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns dann! Frohe Herbstsaison! 🍂🍁

Γεια σε όλους, 🥰 πώς περάσατε; Η ζωή ήταν απασχολημένη Έχω μαθητή έκτη και τέταρτη δημοτικού τώρα! Αλλά κατάφερα να βρω ένα βίντεο για εσάς 😅 αύριο, Πέμπτη Οκτωβρίου, 05 Οκτωβρίου 2023 στις 6 π.μ. ώρα Ειρηνικού. Ελπίζω να σε δω τότε! Καλή φθινοπωρινή σεζόν! 🍂🍁

שלום לכולם, מה שלומך? החיים היו עמוסים יש לי עכשיו תלמיד כיתה ו' ו-ד'! אבל הצלחתי להמציא לך סרטון 😅 מחר, יום חמישי, 5 באוקטובר, 05, 2023 בשעה 06:00 שעון האוקיינוס ​​השקט של ארה"ב. אני מקווה לראות אותך אז! עונת סתיו שמח! 🍂🍁

Dia duit gach duine,🥰 conas a bhí tú? Tá an saol gnóthach Tá an séú agus an ceathrú grád agam anois! Ach d’éirigh liom teacht suas le físeán duit 😅 amárach, Déardaoin Deireadh Fómhair, 05 2023 ag 6 AM USA Pacific time. Tá súil agam tú a fheiceáil ansin! Séasúr an Fhómhair Shona! 🍂🍁

Ciao a tutti, 🥰 come state? La vita è stata impegnativa, ora ho una studentessa di prima e quarta elementare! Ma sono riuscito a trovare un video per te 😅 domani, giovedì 5 ottobre 2023 alle 6:00, ora del Pacifico USA. Spero di vederti allora! Buona stagione autunnale! 🍂🍁

みなさんこんにちは 🥰 お元気でしたか?私には今、6年生と4年生の子供がいます。しかし、私はあなたのためにビデオを思いつきました 😅 明日、2023 年 10 月 5 日木曜日午前 6 時 (米国太平洋時間)。それではよろしくお願いします!楽しい秋の季節を過ごしましょう! 🍂🍁

안녕하세요 여러분 🥰 그동안 잘 지내셨나요? 인생은 바빴습니다. 이제 6학년과 4학년이 되었습니다! 하지만 저는 여러분을 위한 동영상을 만들었습니다😅 내일 2023년 10월 5일 목요일 오전 6시(미국 태평양 표준시). 그럼 꼭 뵙길 바랍니다! 행복한 가을 시즌! 🍂🍁

Salam semua, 🥰 apa khabar? Kehidupan telah sibuk Saya mempunyai seorang pelajar darjah enam dan empat sekarang! Tetapi saya berjaya menghasilkan video untuk anda 😅 esok, Khamis Oktober, 05 2023 pada 6 PG waktu Pasifik Amerika Syarikat. Saya berharap untuk melihat anda kemudian! Selamat Musim Musim Gugur! 🍂🍁

Hei alle sammen 🥰 hvordan har dere hatt det? Livet har vært travelt Jeg har en sjette og fjerde klasse nå! Men jeg klarte å komme med en video til deg 😅 i morgen, torsdag 5. oktober 2023 kl. 06.00 USA Pacific Time. Jeg håper å se deg da! God høstsesong! 🍂🍁

سلام به همگی حالتون چطوره؟ زندگی شلوغ بوده من الان کلاس ششم و چهارم دارم! اما من موفق شدم فردا، پنج شنبه، 05 اکتبر 2023، ساعت 6 صبح به وقت اقیانوس آرام ایالات متحده، یک ویدیو برای شما بیاورم. امیدوارم اون موقع ببینمت! فصل پاییز مبارک! 🍂🍁

Witam wszystkich, 🥰 jak się macie? Życie było zajęte. Mam teraz szóstą i czwartą klasę! Ale udało mi się przygotować dla Was film 😅 jutro, w czwartek, 5 października 2023 o 6:00 czasu pacyficznego w USA. Mam nadzieję, że się wtedy zobaczymy! Szczęśliwego sezonu jesiennego! 🍂🍁

Olá a todos, 🥰 como vocês estão? A vida tem sido ocupada, tenho um aluno da sexta e quarta séries agora! Mas consegui fazer um vídeo para vocês 😅 amanhã, quinta-feira, 05 de outubro de 2023, às 6h, horário do Pacífico dos EUA. Espero vê-lo então! Feliz outono! 🍂🍁

Hola a todos, 🥰 ¿cómo han estado? La vida ha estado ocupada. ¡Ahora tengo un hijo de sexto y cuarto grado! Pero logré crear un video para ti 😅 mañana jueves 5 de octubre de 2023 a las 6 a. m., hora del Pacífico de EE. UU. ¡Espero verte entonces! ¡Feliz temporada de otoño! 🍂🍁

Hej allihopa 🥰 hur har ni haft det? Livet har varit hektiskt. Jag har en sjätte och fjärde klass nu! Men jag lyckades komma med en video till dig 😅 imorgon, torsdag 5 oktober 2023 kl. 06.00 USA Pacific Time. Jag hoppas att vi ses då! Glad höstsäsong! 🍂🍁

Herkese merhaba, 🥰 nasılsınız? Hayat çok meşguldü, artık altıncı ve dördüncü sınıfa giden bir öğrencim var! Ama sizin için bir video hazırlamayı başardım 😅 yarın, 05 Ekim 2023 Perşembe, ABD Pasifik saatiyle sabah 6'da. O zaman seni görmeyi umuyorum! Mutlu Sonbahar Sezonu! 🍂🍁

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 1 year ago

Hello friends! I need your help :) Which color do you prefer? I am painting my cabinets off-white and I am making my final decision about the color of the door handles/knobs. I hope you are having a lovely 2023!

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 1 year ago

Hello, how is your winter season going? We have been so busy with unexpected repairs from the leaking dishwasher. 😬 It has been impossible to make new videos since our home completely torn up. There are so many things getting done at the same time that we basically have to leave home in order for it to get done. That means hotels and Airbnb are unavoidable. Things are getting rebuilt, repainted, all flooring replaced.... So I will ask for your help with some polls here in the community tab. I have to chose colors and materials and I would love to hear your opinion! Even though it has been stressful with the construction in our home we are very grateful and excited for the outcome. 😅 I see a lot of opportunities for organization and decoration videos to share with you in 2023! I wish you a warm and cozy winter season and a happy new year just around the corner!

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Home Freshalicious
Posted 1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving, wishing you a happy holiday season! I have a fun video coming soon!

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