in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
11-1 ~ 2025 Attunement ~ Soul Journey
This Soul Journey will be focused on accessing 2025 Energy for your Soul Next Steps…
Attune to your Soul Blueprint energy, which will set the energetic groundwork for the year ahead and support you in working with that to bring it into physical reality.
I will be hosting a Live Soul Journey. In this space, we can come together and access the energy, activation & personal guidance & insights that are offered as we take the time to connect in a sacred space internally.
This will be hosted live on a Zoom call ~ a place we can connect & share. This is a live event - however, if you can’t attend it, live replay will be accessible & as impactful.
Date: Saturday 11th January 2025
Time: 7.00 pm Melbourne, Australian EST Duration: 60 minutes
For all other time zones, check the link below to find your local time:…
Once you’ve purchased your ticket, you will be given access to a Zoom link & replay will be available via download afterwards:…
I am looking forward to connecting with you
Alisha Braché
21 - 1
Hey Soul Tribe,
There is currently a big influx of energy that is giving us the opportunity to really start to attune into the New Frequency bandwidth becoming available for this upcoming year!
It's quite expansive & quite the contrast to where we have been in the previous years, so it's taking a while to adjust.
We've had two X Class Flares in the last day & lots of Schumann Resonance activity.
You might find yourself much more tired than usual,
or sleeping patterns are disturbed 😳
It feels as though everything is rearranged, it's internally & externally.
From the cellular level, it feels like the energy or molecules are starting to vibrate at a different frequency, like phasing out of one reality into the next.
Is very subtle shift. However, there is a new Earth frequency that is integrating within us so we can have snippets of experiencing it in real time.
This might be in experiencing colours with greater vibrancy.
Strange time distortions feeling as though you're living outside of liner time.
Clarity & breakthrough if even momentarily.
Extremely vivid dreams.
There feels like there is lots of flushing out in the stomach, solar plexus area, and a change in the masculine energy.
Loved ones in non physical form, becoming more present & bright lights & orbs appearing.
I woke up two nights ago to a light display in my room 🙃 like there was a flash light being positioned right in my face!
Just take your time, pace yourself, and take it slow through this phase. It's gonna be a big year!
What are you experiencing?
Much love
Alisha Braché
67 - 6
Happy New Year, Soul Tribe,
Welcome to 2025!
We currently have Geomagnetic Solar Storm incoming right now it's at K6 & most likely to rise a little higher!
As we are settling into the new energies, it still feels like it's taking a while to land fully!
Aside from celebrating the new year or night, you might be feeling the hangover effect from this solar storm. Increase in appetite, craving heavier foods. Feeling a little wipe, tired & restless.
You might feel a little flat, lacking energy or enthusiasm, feeling the need just to be still...
How are you feeling?
What are some of the energies you feel coming for 2025? For yourself or the collective?
Just take it easy rest when you can!
Much love
Alisha Braché
43 - 0
Hey Soul Tribe,
Thank you all for your love & support throughout this year! I know that it hasn't been the easiest for many of us. However, now it's time to turn a new page or write a completely new book!
Tune in & see what words jump out at you & this may give you some insight into the upcoming Key Themes for 2025!
Even more creative, put them in a sentence that you can use as your own personal statement for your year!
I'm looking forward to hearing what's in store for you!
Much love
Alisha Braché
34 - 9
Hey Soul Tribe,
We've just had our second X Class Solar Flare in less than 24 hours & multiple C & M Class flares 💛
At this stage, we might get Aurora's around New Years Day ✨️🌄
As this continues to increase, how are you feeling?
Energy Alignment is very important right now, especially to keep alignment with what wants to be expressed through us in each present moment ✨️
♾Dizziness & Virtigo ~ due to the impact on your energy body, a shift within your energy field to adjust to new frequencies
♾Extreme tiredness & exhaustion ~ your body needs to align and adjust to these changes, which requires more sleep and rest to adjust
♾ Extreme/Heightened emotions & sensitivity ~ outbursts of sadness/anger/frustration ~ these energies will draw out like a magnet's emotions, which doesn't serve our highest vibration.
♾Headaches & Migraines ~ as our higher chakras activate ~ rewiring happening between the higher mind & opening up our expanded awearness/conciousness
♾ Body Aches & Pains ~ as our bodies filtering in more light to shift to our crystalline structure ~ it can be painful during these shifts, keep in mind it's temporary and will pass.
♾ Intense dreams & feeling disorientation upon waking. ~ During our sleep state, we often travel and are very active doing lots of work on higher levels, which can make us feel very tired upon waking & can take a while to reorient yourself.
💜 Rest as much as you need
💜 Drink losts of water & plenty of fresh food
💜 Energy Healing - to help shift the emotions and help the body
💜 Gentle exercise ~ walking in Nature
💜 Practice compassion for yourself
💜 Self care ~ in doing things that help and support you!
Sending 💖
Alisha Braché
Soul Sessions:
Elevation Training "At you're own pace learning" a guide for Energy Self Mastery & Energetic tools for supporting yourself through this very big Collective Energetic Times.
Elevate 2 Training ~ For Divine Partnership & Divine Soul Connection, how to actulise your highest potential within Concious Relationships:
40 - 2
Hey Soul Tribe,
The Sun has been kicking up a notch and now we've had another X Class Solar Flare in combination to the Schumann that's being spiking most of the day!
As we near the close out of 2024 there is an interesting mix of energetic themes which seem to be on rotation every few hours.
It's heaviness & the closing off or grief of what has been & is no longer present, the nostalgic resonate of mourning the past.
Frustration, Irritability excessive mental conflict or inner waring & feeling very lost & confused
To stillness, presence and pure potentially & expansive energy that provides the opening of new opportunities, abilities & connecting.
Most likely everything in between.
The contrast to this year's energy & next year's is vastly different.
Have you already felt into it & what it represents for you?
Give yourself the opportunity to clear what is closing & tune into what is coming!
I've got some exciting announcements for the new year!
So my question to you is what do you feel would be most helpful & supportive that I can provide in 2025!
Looking forward to sharing with you!
Love to hear how 2025 feels for you?
Much love
Alisha Braché
54 - 1
Dearest Soul Tribe
May this Solstice bring unity into your hearts & minds ✨️
May this simple offer of a blessing to you all help to unravel any and all discomfort, confusion, or limitations you might find within or without to become disintegrated.
That the Soul Path illuminates and guides you on the path where you find the most peace, serenity, passion & fulfilment.
May the light within you grow so bright that it illuminatates you to find the truth of who you are & the calling that brought you to Earth at this powerful time!
May the Soul’s Destiny become alive and aligned so that you can find the courage to be all that you're meant to be.
May the doors open up now and show you so much more than you could ever imagine to become rightfully yourself once more.
Surrendering into this powerful time allows the Soul’s calling to become the only guidance you need to make today the first day of your new life ✨️
I hope that you can feel the power of the presence of the divinity within you & that is all around you, supporting each courageous step.
Ask for support if you need to allow the Divine to step in & and intervene if you need a course correction.
May the force of love rise and the power of your soul be realised ✨️
Much love to everyone ❤️
Alisha Braché
57 - 6
Hey Soul Tribe,
How are you feeling? There is some deep clearing happening in the field as it feels so full at present!
We have 2 weeks left before we close out 2024, so there is quite a rapid release of energy in a wrapping up for bring those timelines to a close!
It's such a ebb & flow feels like traversing multiple timelines per day on rotation. So time feels really weird almost out of time or disconnected to liner time!
There still much clean up occur multidimensionally, so this can create bleedthrough from those realities & make you feel quite tired or overwhelmed at times!
What has been your theme for 2024?
What are you closing out?
This is powerful clearing times so make the most of the next few weeks to be able to move into the new year in a clear slate..
Connect with me if you need additional support ✨️
Symptoms & Sensations might Experiencing:
🌟 Heart palpitations and expansion of heart chakra feeling outpouring of unconditional love
🌟 Heart/High Heart Expansion this can be felt, physically, energetically or both
🌟 Solar Plexus ~ feeling anxious, uncomfortable & feeling lots of 'fear rise up' for no apparent reason
🌟 Feeling Inspiration, Insights & Downloads ~ this is a time where our Conciousness has the opportunity to expand to greater heights & the next level
🌟 Energy influx in the body ~ feeling the Vibration Energy charges as our Bodies are Adjusting to Higher Levels of Frequency
🌟 Little or no sleep, very Heightened Dreams & lots of Dream Space Activity
🌟 Headaches ~ Intense head pressure in Crown & Third Eye as our Conciousness Expands
🌟 Aches & pains in the Body especially legs
🌟 Pain in the spine as the Energy Channel Clears & Opens
🌟Heightened Emotions & Mental patterns
🌟 Heightened Spiritual & Psychic Phenomena
🌟 Triggers coming up for release
Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:
🔹️Drink plenty of water
🔹️Rest the body & mind
🔹️Meditation & Balancing your Energy
🔹️Connect with Nature & Elements
🔹️Be gentle with yourself and others
Much love
Alisha Braché
The Elevation Training Series is designed to support people with all the tips, tricks & processes to navigate through these Energetic times!
Training at-your-own-pace learning via the link:
For Personal Session:
47 - 4
Hey Soul Tribe,
Did you feel that incoming X Class Solar Flare?
Definitely felt the uplift in energy feeling better 😌
It's been a while since we've had an X CLASS SOLAR FLARE!
I truly feel so much better during the solar activity 😍
Is it because we have a similar frequency as the higher solar energies coming in?
What an interesting melting pot of energy moving through at the moment, feels like it changes moment to moment.
The most important thing to remember during these times is that whatever your focus on you aligns with ✨️💕
It's such an incredible time we are moving through right now!
Have you noticed the very noticeable matrix glitches? Strangeness with time or feeling as though your operation is completely out of time!
Beautiful wave of dizziness & expansion coming in!
Dream space is wild! Dreaming through the eyes of others? People you don't know? Totally different realities, helping assist others almost like you're operating in their body temporary.
We are swiftly moving towards two significant times in this month 12-12 & Solstice ✨️🙏👏
Join me for the 12-12 Soul Journey…
Looking forward to connecting with you 😀
Much Love
Alisha Braché
60 - 2
12-12 - Liberation & Expansion ~ Soul Journey
This Soul Journey will be focused on clearing the energy field that holds any frequencies connected within the Matrix grid to close down, collapse and exit from any limitations on your own energy & consciousness expansion. Giving more room and space to connect with your unique soul frequencies for further expansion
I will be hosting a Live Soul Journey. In this space, we can come together and access the energy, activation & personal guidance & insights that are offered as we take the time to connect in a sacred space internally.
This will be hosted Live on a Zoom call ~ a place we can connect & share.
This is a live event - however, if you can’t attend it, live replay will be accessible & as impactful.
Date: Thursday 12th December 2024
Time: 7.00 pm Melbourne, Australian EST
Duration: 60 minutes
For all other time zones, check the link below to find your local time:…
Once you’ve purchased your ticket, you will be given access to a Zoom link & replay will be available via download afterwards
Tickets available via the link:…
Looking forward to having you join 💗🙏
Alisha Braché
14 - 1
Welcome to Cosmic Gateway, thank you for being here!
I truly appreciate your subscriptions, comments, likes, and shares. My deepest gratitude for your support of my work. My greatest intention is to create content that empowers, inspires & activates you along your soul’s journey. 💜
If you enjoy my content & want to go deeper into you're own Personal Elevation see my two Training courses available: