Q: How do you do the 720?
A: Hold the R trigger and click triangle then rotate the analog stick twice counterclockwise then click circle.
Q: How do you do the 540?
A: Hold R and click triangle then quickly rotate the analog stick 1 1/2 times counter clockwise then let go of R and hold L and click circle takes more practice but becomes easier then the 720 itself.
Q: What do you play online?
A: I play call of duty 4, madden 08 ( soon to be 09), mlb the show, and nba 2k but only on Ps3 and psp.
Q: do you have msn?
A: yes its
Q: You obvious like sports ..which ones and what are your favorite teams?
A: Well I love football, basketball, and baseball. My favorite teams are the Miami dolphins, Los Angeles Lakers and Nuggets, and the Houston Astros