Hey what's up everyone and welcome to TRK Gaming. For those of you who are new to my channel, my name is Greg and I hold a double major in Mathematics and Economics. I am also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach and a Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist. However, I am also fond of video games, as it encourages critical thinking and fosters my creative side. Some people believe that video games are for degenerates but from my personal experience, this notion is far from the truth.
Over the last few years I reignited my passion for fighting games and I was amazed to discover its steep learning curve. Nevertheless, given that I am true Mathematician, I savor a good challenge. Of course, I will still play the relaxing games just to break the monotony, but my channel will focus mainly on my journey in learning the fundamentals of fighting games.
So remember to like, subscribe, share, turn the bell notifications on and I will see you in the next video.