Part time homesteader ,part time trader,part time you tuber and full time heavy equipment operator in ontario where i have lived for rhe majority of my life but was raised in my younger years in NovaScotia.I started on you tube in 2012 but only picked it up again a few months ago.My hopes are to retire sooner rather later and spend more productive time in my abilities as i have some waterfrontage on the bay of the ocean and plans to be very productive by this years end early spring 2026 .In the coming months to come.I look forward to advancing my knowledge and productivity in my videos and I Thank you for liking and subscribing and i appreciate your time. My content for this channel mostly concerns wildlife and the wilderness and animals of habitat throughout Canada and the northern hemisphere as well as pets with humor and interest.
Alpha animals of the wild
Wild animals of the wilderness
Predators of the Forrest
Natures most fearsome creatures
Documentary s of wildlife
Pet humor