40✅️ 60✅️ 80✅️ 90✅️ 100✅️ 120✅️ 130✅️ 140✅️ 150✅️ 170✅️🤯 180✅️ 190✅️🤯🤯 200 ✅️ 210✅️ 220✅️ 230✅️ 240✅️ 250✅️ 260✅️ 270✅️ 280✅️ 290✅️ 300✅️ 310✅️ 330✅️ 330 ✅️340✅️ 350✅️ 360✅️ 370✅️ 380✅️ 390✅️ 400✅️ 410✅️ 420✅️ 430✅️ 440✅️ 450✅️ 460✅️ 470✅️ 480✅️ (oh nah ohhh nahh ttsmmmmmmmmm490❌️ 500❌️ hello my name is shezyAviation_ and I make edits and not edits like yk and ik that I barely have anything of airplanes then why does my name have aviation in it? Bc I love planes but I don't wanna post abt them