BlueBerry's Amsterdam Adventures...
Amsterdam is a magnificent and vibrant city in northern Europe, located in the Netherlands. The open attitude towards sex, self expression, and soft drugs make it a mecca and meeting point for people from all over the world. If you have never heard of coffeeshops then maybe you would be interested to know that you can buy weed and hash in bars called coffeeshops. Although technically illegal, the Dutch authorities officially tolerate possession of up to 5 grams of cannabis for personal consumption. Anytime you are walking the streets of Amsterdam just look for signs that say COFFEESHOP and smell the wonderful aroma of cannabis.
Amsterdam is the BEST place on Earth! Where cannabis freedom exists, with no paranoia. It is not the weed that causes paranoia, it is the stupid laws against this wonderful medicinal plant. Therefore every so often I have to get away from all the idiotic laws to relieve all the paranoia:)