in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Another large commission that I finished a few months ago for a friend!
His character Gellidus is presenting a business plan to the IceWing princess :)
...and being judged by the C suite of his company oh no!
This scene takes place in the world of Pyrrhia-Pantala AU (a Wings of Fire RP group I run that takes place 1000 years after canon! The group is closed for new members but here's the link if folks are curious (since I know I'll get a comment asking haha))
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Some of my followers from a few years ago might remember this commission that I was drawing on some of the livestreams I hosted. I finally finished it a few months back!
Blue dragonborn rogue :) Click to see the full image!
I'm still in no-Adobe-Premiere-Pro jail so sadly new videos are not on the mind at the moment, but I did finally manage to get a job which is nice (a pretty neat one too, genetically engineering cells to make medicines!)
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Grabbed a little somethin’ today at the bookstore 👀
I don’t usually get the physical books but I’m glad I got this one, every page is in color and it’s beautiful!
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So... umm.. awkward news. I graduated, yay!
But my school was paying for my subscription to Adobe, and now that I've graduated I have been sadly cut off. 😱 (Which means that for now at least I can't use Adobe After Effects or Premiere Pro, aka my main video editing/animation software).
And let's just say a subscription to Adobe without being a student is 54$/month, aka not affordable at the moment 😩 So I'm gonna be messing with other free video programs such as Da Vinci resolve and re-teaching myself everything.
Any suggestions on videomaking programs you guys use? Both for tweening animation as well as speeding up clips to make speedpaints/normal videos?
(character was drawn for artfight! not mine)
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Dumping some more Artfight stuff here for anyone who is curious! Got to practice some humans, as you scroll through the pics they slowly become dragony 😂 (until there is a dragon)
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Those of you who have followed me for a while know that I've been working on my graduate degree for the past several years - namely my PhD in Bioengineering.
Well, I finally handed in my thesis and passed the final exam (which is very dramatically called a thesis defense :) ) I can officially be called Dr. Bio now!
(Pics are a few drawings I made for victims on Artfight!)
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Ok still in mostly hermit mode, but while I've been working forever on the video about what I read in the Wings of Fire Guide, here are some new previews of it that Barnes and Noble put out! (Thanks to MrDapperDragon on Twitter for notifying everyone about it)
Be sure to click the full images to see what's written here, and ofc warning for spoilers!
We got:
- Jambu's introduction to RainWing colors (this is something I'll talk a bit more on in my vid :) )
- Map of Old Night Kingdom
- Snipping about Hazel talking about how to survive in the Poison Jungle
- Some backstory about Queen Scarlet when she was younger, and Scarlet's mother (narrated by, if my notes are correct, Scarlet's husband's sister).
EDIT: Okkkk Youtube doesn't want to show the entire pages, so here they are:…………
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hewwo everyone!
I'm still deep in thesis defense prep hell (I should be done by end of July! and then I'll be freeeeee - until I have to find a job lol)
but anyway, I wanted to say I WILL be doing Artfight this year, for the first time since uhhh I think 2019? Probably going to go Team Vampire cause red, even though I actually like werewolves better 😅 we’ll see!
However, please note that I'm ONLY going to be doing sketches for return fire, basically just 10 minute breaks in between my work when I need a little rest but can't spend enough time to do anything where I need to focus (like work on Youtube vids, oop).
Quick pic of one of my OCs, Psychopomp (non-WoF) for funsies (done for an event in the Realm of Serpents group)
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Soooooo about that video I promised on the stuff in the Wings of Fire Guide...
I'm slowly working on it! Prob about 30-40% done, since I'm doing speed paints to go along with each section.
But I'm being crushed by thesis work (basically got to write a ~50 pages of a paper by the end of April, and that's with 50 pages of it already done!) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhhh
for now, have a tarot card of my character Merlin that I finished last month 👁👄👁 He's the leader of the Pyrrhia-Pantala Alliance, you can read more about him here!…
(he's The World arcana if anyone's curious)
(Click the preview to see the whole pic, it's a lonnnnq pic)
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Hi! I'm Biohazardia or "Bio" - welcome to my channel.
Here I post MAP parts, drawing tutorials, any PMVs I'm working on, speedpaints and works in progress. Mostly I'm working on Wings of Fire related things, though I also love fantasy, dragons in general, magical creatures, character art, and backgrounds!
I'm also a bioengineering PhD student so the majority of my time is spent on school and research. :D
You can find more of my art at my other social medias (links down below!) My email is below as well for any business inquires.
Also if you have questions, my FAQ, commission questions etc are at my website: !