NYC-based creative director helping heart-centered organizations find their clearest brand expressions at
Current Story (Fall 2024):
Five years prior, through some heavy emotional work, I came to a clear realization that my upbringing had cause me to have severe difficulties feeling and acknowledging what I truly wanted for my life. It wasn't until this year, though, after losing a lucrative-but-unfulfilling crypto job and a beautiful-but-not-for-me romance, that I experienced enough pain to truly commit to being uncompromising about what and who I put my energy into; about designing a life I love.
About The 100 Day Vlog Challenge (Started Aug 20, 2024):
A project I'm working through to develop a deeper relationship with commitment, content creation, and self-acceptance.
Subscribe for stories about physical/emotional/spiritual fitness, managing fulfillment as an ambitious creative, and navigating magic spaces while staying grounded.