We save you hours of scrolling time on Pexels. On our channel you find THE BEST FREE STOCK VIDEOS with credits to the original creators, tips on video editing, how to use stock footage in a video, how to make YouTube Shorts, and footage for popular faceless YouTube niches.
Subscribe and let us inspire you as we chase creativity and bring it STRAIGHT TO YOUR SCREEN on a DAILY BASIS.
Ideal for: YouTube video ideas, YouTube shorts ideas, reels ideas, tiktok ideas, content creation ideas, content creation for YouTube, video editing tricks, faceless YouTube channel ideas, YouTube channel ideas, making money on YouTube, and YouTube Automation.
Disclaimer: We are an independent team that loves creative video projects. The free stock videos and photos we use are sourced from Pexels.com. Although, we are not legally required to give credit, we believe in giving credit where it is due. That's why you find the creator's name in the bottom left corner of the video or in the video description.