I'm D'KenyaJ...I was the producer, director, host and mixologist of "Jazz for the City" which was the "Original Mixed Jazz Funk Show" which aired on WHBI-FM in New York City from 1983 - 1984. I'll be bringing the "JazzFunkMix" to the internet hopefully starting sometime in the near future.. I'll post details & create the link to it. What you see on this channel.... Especially the PlayLists..... You will hear on the "JazzFunkMix" and much more! If you like Jazz and Your Feeling the Funk, and You like to Bounce to the JazzFunk beat, You will not be disappointed!! "WHO HAS THE JAZZ" "JAZZ IN UR FUNK - FUNK IN UR JAZZ" "KEEPIN THIS JAZZ FUNK ALIVE"
Don't forget to check the PLAYLISTS, Favs & Uploads on this page & PLEASE SUBSCRIBE. THANKS. PEACE 2 ALL!!!!!