Heal Precisely offers patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, home health care agencies, and aggregate living facilities a scientifically proven therapy for wounds that won’t heal, plus the convenience of a mobile medical practice as well as a staffed wound care clinic. Whether you come to us, or we come to you, Heal Precisely’s vision is to transform wound care protocols that provide healing and hope.
Breakthrough FDA-Approved Therapy Can Heal Even The Hardest-To-Heal Sores, Burns, Ulcers, Incisions, and Injuries.
Our all-natural, non-invasive wound treatment heals chronic wounds quickly and effectively, is covered by Medicare and most insurances, and can be performed in our clinic, or at home or in an acute care setting by our Mobile Medical Team.
Heal Precisely makes sure that each patient receives the best wound care that they are entitled to receive. Advanced wound care alographs use amniotic material to give new life to patient’s natural healing abilities.