Please subscribe, if you like what you hear!^^ ~ Thanks!!
Wow!! 74 subsxribers, thank yoouu so so much! ^^
and thank you, too for my first honor:
#41 - Most Viewed (Today) - Musicians - Germany
#39 - Most Viewed (Today) - Musicians - Germany
#37 - Most Viewed (Today) - Musicians - Germany
#27 - Most Viewed (Today) - Musicians - Germany
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Hey guys^^
Here, I'm going to upload some videos. The most videos are with my voice (or with an other voice xD), because I love it to dub and to sing^^ Please comment and rate my videos! Thanks so mutch! My next Fandubs/song covers/songs will be:
~ I need a kiss [ORIGINAL SONG] (It will be coming, tomorrow ^^-)
~ Umbrella by Rihanna
~ Love Chronicle from Fullmoon
~ Smile from Fullmoon
~ First love by Utada Hikaru