in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
This is amazing! My book became a bestseller in multiple categories:
* Criminology
* Philosophy
* Anthropology
* Sociology
* Social and Cultural History
It also reached Top 5 out of Top 100 books in Sweden.
This exceeded my greatest expectations, and makes me feel truly grateful that I have such a lovely audience. 😍
Thank you so much for the support everyone!
98 - 17
I did my first stand-up in the most politically correct part of Sweden :D
English subtitles available, check it out, Share with friends, Like Like Like ETC:
26 - 7
NY COLLAB: Gästar standup komiker Viktor Klemmings podd för att snacka om varför jag är trött på satanism och champagnesocialister.
Klicka gärna "Gilla" och dela videon, för att stödja mina collabs och få mig se populär ut :D
27 - 13
I had to delete over 100 videos due to Youtube guidelines, DOWNLOAD THEM ALL HERE:
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Guess how many percent of Swedish Government are COKEHEADS? NEW VIDEO:
31 - 13
NEW video:
Our Modern World is plagued by Self-Help "Gurus" and Marketing Departments of major corporations selling us quick fix-ideas on how to become happy, fulfilled, "enlightened" even. In the midst of this insidious consumerism culture, where even health and psychology is taking on a devilish form, we have forgotten the highest virtues of suffering and pain, which can be converted into meaningful experiences of life.
Speaking of pain, I don't know if I'm even half as good at making thumbnails as I believe myself to be. So if anyone knows an artistic person who is good at Photoshop & interested in charity for One-Man Army Foreigner, please send me a personal message.
Have a lovely week.
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Guess my PERSONALITY TYPE and know that You Will Be Wrong 😂 I love how nobody could predict the outcome for this one: Also LOVE how Youtube blocked my livestream from reaching my audience, because I wanted to help people struggling with negative thoughts. Reacting to a video uploaded publicly on youtube is "copyright" - yay!!!! Help out with a like and share:
36 - 17
GUESS MY POLITICAL IDEOLOGY and know that You Will Be Wrong🤡 Updated Political Compass text with 12AXES:
39 - 14
Framträdandet som planterade ett frö till att börja syssla med Youtube :D Innan jag visste vad politik var, blev jag helt enkelt kär i Aron Flams talanger och trollförmåga. Värt dina minuter!
36 - 4
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Foreigner 🎈Biggest political / social commentary channel in Sweden