Hey Curtoonists! Learn to draw simple and silly step-by-step Curtoons with Curt Visca during every classic award winning “It’s Curtoon Time” episode! 😎
Heebie & Jeebie, Rhea Search, and Mini Rhea are also on many of these episodes!
You have two radicool options after watching each "It's Curtoon Time" episode.
Option #1: Email your Curtoons to curtoonfun@gmail.com and let us know how much fun you had!
Option #2: Post your Curtoons on social media and use the following hashtags: #curtoon #curtoons #curtoontime
Curt Visca created and starred in 400 award-winning 30-minute "It's Curtoon Time" TV show episodes that originally aired on Dimension Cable and Cox Communications from the late 1980s to 2016.
Remember to practice, practice, practice!
Email curtoonfun@gmail.com to find out how to purchase a step-by-step curtooning book, music compact disc, or to have Curt Visca attend your next special event!