Pi network是一款基於區塊鏈技術的加密貨幣應用,旨在實現去中心化的交易和分佈式的節點網絡。Pi網絡提供了一種新的挖礦方式,即通過手機挖礦來獲取加密貨幣。
使用者可以下載Pi Network應用程式,並通過驗證身份和參與社交網絡等方式來獲取Pi幣,並將其存儲在自己的錢包中。
Pi Network is a cryptocurrency application based on blockchain technology, aiming to achieve decentralized transactions and distributed node networks. Pi Network provides a new way of mining by allowing users to mine cryptocurrency through their mobile phones. Users can download the Pi Network app, verify their identity, and participate in social networks to earn Pi coins, which can be stored in their wallets. Pi Network also provides a secure, decentralized trading platform where users can conduct decentralized transactions without going through centralized exchanges.
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