Welcome to our Channel Hub
Here you will discover Music & Video across a plethora of Genre's including:
Music | Film | Art | Game | Culture | Media | Shorts | snews
What is Shiftwaft
Its a Pure Audio Visual Media Entertainment Channel. It is not designed for children & often laced with a sprinkle of parody & humor. Its also a roller coaster, you never know what's coming next. Feel free to Subscribe to find out...
Enjoy the Ride.
We Feature Live Concerts - Vidpop - Artpop - Parody & Art house Music & Film
What's it all about !
The Hub is designed for Specialization - Each Sub channel focus on type eg. Film ect.
We have done this as we have followers who prefer certain types on Media.
The Main Channel Hub @SHIFTWAFT holds all the Video, but due to the sheer number of videos its easy to get lost & so each sub channel can focus on film for example - feel free to join the channels you may particularly prefer. All these plus more can be found in the Channels tab in the header.