The works of Joab Frank Chakhaza - a producer, presenter, motivational speaker, director of ceremonies, artist, singer and performer appear here. Joab currently works as the Director of Programs, Projects and Special Events at Zodiak Broadcasting Station.
Joab is a recipient of a Chevening scholarship; one of the very competitive scholarship schemes for international students offered by the UK government to develop future leaders around the world. He studied Media Management MA at University of Westminster in London in 2015/16 and graduated with a distinction. He also holds an MSc in Strategic Management (UK) and a BA in Education Humanities (Malawi). He worked at the BBC World Service as a producer with Focus on Africa (Radio). He is a professionally trained French and English teacher and has been in radio broadcasting since 2005. A producer and presenter of radio and television programs, Joab has worked on radio programs on politics, arts, entertainment, HIV and AIDS among others.