HinduDevotionalBlog.com Hindu Devotional Channel.
Watch Hindu Devotional Stotras, Mantras, Stutis, and Bhajan Songs. I'm trying to post all types of devotional stuffs as videos so that a devotee can get the lyrics of Sanskrit mantras and stotras here. According to me, one who has real faith in God won't do any violence. Let he be a Hindu, Christian or Muslim, if his faith is true he won't do any injustice to anyone of any other religion.
Everyone has the freedom to worship his God, in any form he/she like. Nothing in this world is ours, even before we were born those things we say are ours exist and even after we die those things we possess as our will remain here. We are only the guardian or custodian of those things. So for those years we live in this beautiful world, let us live in peace, loving each other, helping others and make each of our lives happy.
May God Bless All and Let There Be Peace In This Beautiful World!