Explore a journey spanning over four decades as my channel delves into the rich tapestry of spiritual wisdom. With firsthand experiences in teaching, initiation, meditation, ayahuasca exploration, and visionary insights, I share profound spiritual knowledge from a deeply personal perspective. Join me on a transformative exploration of the spiritual and cosmic realms through the lens of a seasoned practitioner.
Being on the Red Path
We are not seeking to resurrect the past - that would be impossible, as humanity now journeys towards the Space Age. Instead, we are rediscovering our lost heritage and truth, so that we may once again face the East, greeting the first red ray of the dawn and the early light of awakening, and find ourselves once more on the sacred path of our becoming.
Of all the lives I've ever lived, I loved my Maya lives the most.
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
#indigenouswisdom #AncientMaditationTechniques #Mayanrituals #astraltravel #ayahuascaexperience #Dragons #Naga