Realady brings that good energy like no other. She brings life to any and every scene. She's not scared to talk to a anybody. Realady established
"Realady Street Team" as a promotional team for herself and other South Florida artist in 2014. Now Realady has taken it a bit further to broadcast, interview, network with artist and entrepreneurs from Florida and all over. Being that shining light that's very neccessary for black entrepreneurs. Which will help to promote, market, and advertise their brand(s). Once you allow "Realady Street Team" is here make sure you're the "highlight of life" of all time. Gravitating more to meet the eyes. Your products, private and/or social events will be set before them. We hit the streets at all the best places to be, with the best people you wanna see. You can book Realady to do a commercial for you or your business. Now how about that? There's no "I" in TEAM, but there's an "A". I do it for "ALL" of us. Let's live the "Hightlight of Life"!!!