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733 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Currently doing vs with mostly scps

Viktor (Old) VS Viktor (Rework) | League of Legends | Song: House of Memories | #shorts Metal Sonic VS Perfect Cell | Sonic the Hedgehog VS DBZ |Song: After Dark x Sweater Weather |#shorts Gojo & Sukuna VS LoL | JJK vs LOL | Song: Judas | #shorts SCP-682 VS Mahoraga | SCP vs JJK | Equal Cosmology | Song: Riot x Feel Invincible | #shorts Scarlet King VS Chaos Gods | SCP VS Warhammer | Song: Animals x Monster I have become | #shorts P. Diddy VS FBI | Rap[p]er VS USA | Song: Suffer With Me | #shorts #battle #vs KSI VS DanTDM | Youtube | Song: Thick Of It | #shorts Calamity VS Orespawn | Terraria VS Minecraft | Song: Little Dark Age | #shorts I'm not dead | Requested by @sleepytea7996 Cap VS Fax / @capeditz219 vs @FAXUALreal / Requested by @Strikereureka. SCP-3143: Murphy Lawden VS Kirby & Steve / 4K 60FPS / #BrooklynBloodPop! D-9341 VS Dr.Bright / Gate Guardian VS SCP Foundation / Requested By@cameraman90@iLoveLegoPlane​/ 60FPS 4K The Tale of Princess Kaguya VS Animation / Yoru No Kakera/Racing Into The Night / Hot Take / 200 Sub Machine Edit / New CC Test / 4K 60FPS / #rejectfleshembracemachines #rejectflesh #embracemachines Scarlet-Blitz / Scarlet King VS Anime/Rimuru/Steven He/Sun Wukong/Florida Men/SCP-2747/SCP-3812/ Request-Blitz Part 2 / 4K 60FPS / Mekhane VS Murphy / SCP-001 VS SCP-040 JP / Drip Goku VS Bully /.. SCP-3812 VS Scarlet King and Weaver / Requested by @veshermyedits and @PowerScaler__ /4K 60FPS Tournament Entry / SCP-001 VS Genshin Impact (Wis)/ 4K 60FPS / Requested by @Based_Gigachad_001 ​ Imposter (Among Us) VS Auren The Absolute (Debunked) / 60 FPS / 4K Request-Blitz Part 1 / 4K CC / Death VS MTF / SCP-055 VS Bully / Kratos VS Thanos / EDP VS Seth ABSS (Pre-Debunk) VS Fiction / 4K CC / 60 FPS / Requested by @deusjashin9277 / Epilepsy Warning SethTheProgrammer VS FBI Emperor Titan VS Godzilla Quetzalcoatl VS 2 Knock Offs The Imperium of Man meeting the Tau Empire be like Godly Trio VS 3 Gods Hyperduck Kingbreaker White Lightning VS Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Saul Goodman VS Genshin Impact Scarlet King VS Archie Verse & OPM Verse Superboy Prime VS Archie Sonic & Saitama💀 Godspeed VS League Of Legends