Hej Hej alla goa..kör lite info på engelska då jag visst har några som följer kanalen utanför Svea rikes gränser. Välkommen till min lilla kanal här :) Smiling Happy Swede experiencing life and taking good care of it. JessLOVE= Humour, Animals, All kind of Sports, love to exercise myself as well, typing/writing, cooking, decorating, Tattoos, Music, Iron Maiden first...love it all though!..all genres..but the pure rock hits my heart most beautiful and gentle..it's true and honest kind of music to me. It's Pure. I Believe we are masters of our own lives and creators of our own sceneries, minds and thoughts whatever they are, wherever they go.I Always keep my "innerdoors" open. CuriousJess. I love to chill too..at sea, in boat at a beautiful archipelago..or in the mountains somewhere..great nature, great sceneries. Or in front of a warm fireplace with cozy woollen socks on and a nice cup of tea in hands..yummie. Keep exploring and my Delightful thoughts to you all - Enjoy! Jess