《叫我官老爺》是壹款原創經營養成官鬥手遊,遊戲以當官第壹視覺生動呈現,娶妻納妾、生孩養娃、家族結盟、聯盟爭霸、培養門客、玩家PK 、多人社交等精彩玩法。
在LUERMAO YouTube Channel這裏我跟大家壹起分享壹些關於遊戲的,旅遊的,各種各樣的視頻。更多類型的視頻我將會在日後補充起來,希望大家喜歡我上傳的內容。如果妳喜歡的話,別忘記分享和點贊哦!如果妳有更多更好的建議,可以在留言版塊處留下妳的評論,這將會對我日後的視頻有所幫助的!謝謝妳的收看
In LUERMAO YOU-TUBE channel, I am sharing the video about the game, traveling, and so on. In the future I will add more funny and interesting videos. I hope you like my video and don't forget to subscribe, share and like, your feedback will be important issue for me to improve my next video. Thank you for watching!