Every month we release a new video and invite you to share our passion for puppets, social science and philosophy! Have fun!
"Philosophy can be a tough nut to crack but this video series harnesses the power of puppetry to make sense of ideas by everyone from Foucault to Freud. Itâs kidsâ TV meets academia, producing surprisingly engaging 10-minute essays." --- The Guardian
"If you're a social theory and philosophy nerd who also loves puppets, have I got a YouTube channel for youâ"Theoretical Puppets."" --- Jennifer Sandlin, Boingboing.net
"Auf dem YouTube-Kanal Theoretical Puppets kann man sich augenzwinkernde Clips ansehen, in denen Hannah Arendt ĂŒber GebĂŒrtlichkeit und Rauchen, Michel Foucault ĂŒber QuarantĂ€ne oder Gilles Deleuze ĂŒber die Grinsekatze aus Alice im Wunderland spricht â als Puppen, versteht sich." --- Philosophie Magazin