IKlipz was more than just a website. IKlipz was a destination where talented, passionate, and uncompromising writers, producers, directors, actors, and more gathered to create, distribute, and grow.
IKlipz 's unique and fair approach to developer and creator relationships allowed some of the Internet's most recognizable, consistent, and imaginative talent experiment and flourish in the New-Media driven world of today—all while maintaining the highest levels of creative freedom.
Keeping up with today's high-speed, digitally compressed, low-fat, double-shot, eco-friendly world where viral is good and light traffic is bad, IKlipz once established relevant partnerships, discovered and nurtured (not exploit) fresh talent, and developed advanced technologies.
Through past partnerships with Sony, VMark, and Bloody-Disgusting.com, IKlipz built bridges between visual story tellers, and audiences.