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"Whenever one of us becomes increasingly religious his first priority becomes correcting other people. This similitude is that of a person with lethal cancer who is worried about some one else's common cold. One who himself is severly afflicted (with muhlekat-e-nafs) never cares about other's minor aliment. The problem is that we do not know our diseases as yet. Once we find out the deadly diagnosis all of these sermons for-others, hurting comments, slander and back-biting will disappear." [Hazrat Moulana Mohammad Taqi Usmani sahib db]
The Prophet (PBUH) once asked his companions: "Do you know who the bankrupt one is?"
The companions replied: "A bankrupt person amongst us is the one who doesn't have a dirham or any possessions."
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Rather, the bankrupt person from my Ummah is the one who will come on the Day of Resurrection with a good record of Prayers, Fasts and Charity; but he would have offended a person, slandered another, unlawfully consumed the wealth of another person, murdered someone and hit someone. Each one of these people would be given some of the wrong-doer's good deeds. If his good deeds fall short of settling the account, then their sins will be taken from their account and entered into the wrong-doer's account and he would be thrown in the Hell Fire. {Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Hadith Number 6251}
May Allah protect us from such illnesses!
Ubada ibn Samit (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said,
"Guarantee six things for me, and I will guarantee you Paradise:
1) Be truthful when you speak
2) Fulfill when you promise
3) Uphold your trusts when you are trusted
4) Guard your private parts
5) Lower your gazes
6) Restrain your hands."
[Recorded by Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and Hakim]