Hi, I’m zbar2761, otherwise known as, zbar. Here’s some thing about me. I do YouTube videos and my channel is called zbar2761! Subscribe please. Anyways here’s some useless stuff about me. I play geometry dash. What’s my name? Gamelucas. When did I start playing? 2020 but for the god of my life, I don’t remember what day. I also play roblox. My name is chezzyyybreezy112233… anyways, I have a Xbox and a ps4. What games do I play on ps4? Mainly Fortnite. Sometimes minecraftand that’s all. Xbox tho, are Roblox, forza horizon 4 and 5. Rocket league…. I think that’s all. Oh how could I forget, my switch! I have a lot of games, but some of them I don’t play. Anyways I play cuphead, Fortnite, um. I can’t remember… Anyways we’re finally done.