Welcome to the Way Of Respect and Kindness. The Way is the sum of my spiritual wisdom enabled via the use of mnemonics. Originally, I drew the banner artwork to express and correlate the way of respect with the visible light spectrum. As time passed I felt the need to add kindness to the way of respect. The WOR became the WORK. My content will be an exploration of the Way Of Respect and Kindness.
R E S P E C T; Relax Explore Smile Participate Evaluate Compensate Teach
K I N D N E S S; Keep Inquire Need Desire Nourish Edify Serve Surrender
First Noble Truth; Life is experiencing.
Second Noble Truth; Suffering is subjective.
Third Noble Truth; An awakened mind is objective.
Fourth Noble Truth; Respect and kindness awaken the mind.
Four noble attributes; Courage, Respect, Love, and Forgiveness
The Dear (Developing equanimity acceptance respect) Eightfold Path
Dear Mindfulness, Dear Samadhi, Dear View, Dear Intention, Dear Speech, Dear Action, Dear Livelihood, Dear Effort