It is a positive channel to fight with depression and stress. What? In the active way! Watch positive videos, videos that encourage you to form new hobbies, because if you have something that interests you, you get together with other people and make new friends. For depression yourself! Nobody helps you better than you! You don't spend on doctors if they don't help you! Even that there are many hobbies that give you money. You don't stay like a log, waiting for depression to kill you! People who don't fight are easy victims for stress and then depression. If you don't have time for bad thoughts and every day you do something, just a little, but positive, the depression will go away! I've been through it, and I know what I'm talking about! I also have videos to calm the nerves, videos to sleep with nature and animals, and to actively cope with stress with the help of creativity. Many materials to create your own video: video background, chroma key effects to download.