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39K subscribers - no pronouns :c

A channel where we do projects, electronics and some general

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 11 months ago

You vs the Battery Cable she tells you "Not to worry about..."

6 - 2

Posted 1 year ago

Hello all, sorry for disappearing so long. I am STILL ALIVE!! Though I have been having some medical issues after the surgery to remove the brain tumor awhile back. Coupled with life stuff that has made it difficult to give this channel the care it deserves. However the good news is that a new video is incoming! I talk about it a bit, along with going into more detail about the hiatus and what's been going on with me in this completely free patreon post if you are interested:

As always keep being awesome. I'd also love to have you drop me a hello in the comments if you feel up to it :)

10 - 4

Posted 2 years ago

Hey guys I made this awhile ago, it is a battery caddy for organizing and transporting the extra batteries I have for testing, backups and solar storage. It turned out very well and was less then $8 in materials. If you want to see the full write up and photo sets I have it here on my Patreon Page

I hope to do more non-video post like this in the future, thanks as always for your support and being awesome guys!

6 - 0

Posted 2 years ago

Hey if you want $30 store credit for quest 2 you can use this link when buying new this holiday or whenever

This if used before buying / registering you should get $30 store credit and also I'll get $30 store credit which is an awesome win win!

I have loved my quest and use it all the time. In a big part it is pysical therapy after my surgery. It's a powerful little thing for its price and I don't regret it at all. (Definitely recommend beatsaber!)

In the pics you can see I've also 3d printed some mods and would like to give their creators a shout out so they can be found here:

-Battery Holder:
-Head Brace:
-Wire clips: Can't find the specific ones :(

Thanks guys and hope you have a happy holiday!

3 - 0

Posted 2 years ago

Happy Halloween... Admittedly this year I lost track of time and made my costume in literally the last hour before trickertreating started.

The center off it was a hokey mask that I go from the dollor store for 1.25. Was supposed to be glow in the dark but was honestly trash.

However becuase it was semi see through I decided to frantically decorate the inside with marker and different highlighters which turned out cool under a UV light. (Then used clearcoat inside.)

But I wanted it to work not JUST under a UV light so I built really quickly a uv light headband from and old flashlight that could run off any USB power supply (In this case a small battery pack in my pocket. That would last about 8 hours.)

This illuminated the mask from inside and really upped the effect. Finished literally several minutes before kids started showing up. Had a lot of people creeped which is funny.

My friend helped me with some stuff like getting the headband ready which I appreciate!

I plan to post a bit more in detail and pictures about this on patreon in the next couple of days for supporters. Thank you and happy Halloween!

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Posted 3 years ago

Sorry for such a late response guys but I made it through my surgery. The brain tumor was successfully removed. I wanted to update sooner but recovery has been tough.

Been spending the last couple days just trying to walk, read and type normally again. But progress has been good. Thanks for your thoughts and prayer <3

29 - 13

Posted 3 years ago

I am going into surgery today to remove a brain tumor. If something happens I just want to tell you all that you are awesome and I appreciate having the opportunities I have had with this channel thanks to you all :]

12 - 15

Posted 3 years ago

How was everyone's Halloween?

Any wackiness ensue? I spent it handing out candy with my Dad. Had a costume made from a mask I found in the trash and some prop robes.

Creeped out some adults and kids. Mainly adults. Candy is a great motivator for kids to not get spooked by a costume as it turns out XD

3 - 3

Posted 3 years ago

My costume makes me feel like one of them Occult leaders in movies that take off their mask and they are unreasonably attractive looking underneath. Wouldn't you agree :P

(Fun fact: I found the mask in the garbage 6 months ago, who would throw out such a gem..?)

Happy Halloween all from TrollFaceTheMan, stay safe! And thank you all for your continued support!

12 - 2

Posted 3 years ago

Question for Doctors, Nurses, Tech, People with Allergies or anyone who wants to chime in.

So I went to the ER yesterday because I was caught in a Yellow Jacket swarm after accidentally disturbing their nest while moving a branch. I was stung 8 times across both of my knees that I can tell. And at lest 2 times on my Temple on my left side. I luckily was able to react quite quickly and run away as soon as I realized what was happening. The nest looked to be probably 200 strong at least based on how many were flying around.

I was in a wooded area next to a road when this happened. I tried to run to the road and away but a vine snagged my foot and I fell onto the road scrapping up my hands and jarring my neck and back quite badly.

I was able to escape though. The problem is as I learned earlier this year I am allergic to wasp and yellow jackets. A few months back I got stung on one of my toes and that toe turned purple, my foot swelled up like a balloon and the swelling went past my ankle to part way up my leg. Lasted about a week, then afterwards a bunch of my skin peeled off in that area like a bad sunburn.

And that was from only one sting, I now just got 8 on my legs and two on my face. So a trip to emergency was needed.

By the time I got there I was having some slight difficulty breathing but nothing life threatening. They got me checked in and got me ready for a couple injections to combat the swelling and potential shock.

One was an oral steriod solution, which taste pretty not great. The other was a Benedryl Injection, which I react always very strongly too in terms of loopyness and tiredness (Fun fact Benedrly or Diphenhydramine is actually what a lot of OTC sleep aids are.)

The other injection was Epinephrine which is actually for those that don't know, pure Adrenaline. That applies to Epipens too.

So even though my breathing was returning to normal by the time I was supposed to have the injection they still wanted to give me the Epinephrine in case of a delayed reaction.

So I was given the Epinephrine in my muscle on my right arm, Benedryl left arm, and Steroid Solution Orally.

The Epinephrine injection I didn't even feel, the nurse did it perfectly. The Benedryl there was a slight tinge.

I was then held for observation as they waited for the Epinephrine/Adrenaline to kick in. I was told that I was to expect it to feel like my heart was going to beat out of my chest, nausea, dizziness, anxiety and so forth but to try and remain calm.

Funny thing is though, none of that happened. My heart rate dropped from 110ish to 85ish shortly after the injection. And the only thing I did have was a slight increase in my hands shaking but I have issues with that anyways and came in with it pretty bad already probably because of the excitement of what happened.

They kept me for a full hour waiting for it to kick in and me to suddenly start reacting to it, but I never did. The nurse couldn't believe it. She is actually convinced that somehow I didn't notice the side effects of the adrenaline including a "Feeling of my heart beating out of my chest..."

But I disagree. I am usually pretty in tune with my blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and so forth and most definitely anxiety levels. I had no appreciable change after the injection.

My friend was in there too the whole time chatting on and off with me and noticed no change in my demeanor.

So I asked a couple of other friends in the medical field about it and they seemed surprised too that I didn't have any noticeable reaction to the Epinephrine dose. (I am 230lb, so I was given a proper dose for my size. Nurse confirmed my weight 3x before doing it. She actually also has allergies to Wasp.)

But I can't be the only one that hasn't had much of a reaction to Epinephrine injections before.

Which is why I am asking this poll. To see if others have a similar experience or knowledge on it.

Now I do have a few theories. One is I know my body reacts to stress more "apperently" calmly than most. I can actually be feeling a ton of stress or anxiety but my heart rate, breathing and blood pressure can show no or little indications of that. Adrenaline is a stress hormone and maybe my body doesn't respond as strongly to it as it should.

Which if that is the case that makes me wonder if it might go back to my youth. I used to have horrible anger control issues. Be super easy to rile up and tick off. But now in life I am very very slow to do so.

I still feel annoyed, or bothered or angry a lot of times for no good reason, but I've gotten really good at being able to determine irrational responses and sometimes in minutes or seconds Calm myself down and move on. Could that have possibly some affect on this I wonder?

I knew that if I suddenly started feeling bad it was going to be an irrational reaction from the Epinephrine. So could my body potentially of counteracted that to a large extent?

Also back when I was younger and working out regularly I developed, over time, an ability to release adrenaline pretty much on demand to be able to do more than I normally could. Which admittedly lead to some weightlifting injuries and possibly part of my shoulder and neck problems I have now. But anyways, maybe I am desensitized to more normal doses of adrenaline because of that?

There is also the fact I probably got an adrenaline does already when running from the wasp nest. Maybe what they injected me with was significantly less then whatever I got already from the initial situation from my body?

Also because they gave me Benedrly at the same time, maybe that acted as a suppressor to the response seeing as I react super strongly to it. (It was at about the 50 minute mark that started to get to me. I got loopy then passed out asleep for a bit.)

Any thoughts? What are you own experiences?

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