EMBUDLH....Yes, it's just a load of initials (ElectricMouseBandUpsideDownLeftHander).....Sometimes we do things in life that we later regret and this is one of them, just because I was unsure about using my name. So, I made it up: Electric Mouse Band was the name of a group I was in (well, still am really but we don't do anything!) and Upside Down Left Hander because I play a right handed guitar left handed (strings not changed to left handed). My name is Eric Kemp but it is the same name as the man who had been the Bishop of Chichester until just before I started this site. Well, I used to get fed up with being asked if I was the Bishop of Chichester....No way! So I lumbered myself with this silly site name but anything I put on here is mine unless credited otherwise. You can also find some of my railway photographs at erickemp.smugmug.com/