Hello, ammortsitos, the drugwithlegs says hello, well, what I'm going to do is that, if you are new to this channel, welcome!!
And finally a few things about my aftons au
1-.michael had a 1 daughter and a girlfriend
2-.mrs afton (mrs. Schmidt) died because of ### #### #######
3-.evan almost never speaks since he cannot speak well due to not having half a brain xd
4-. The aftons have a dog called the milaneso (the pilo) xd
5-. All aftons are of legal age 😌👊
They have to pay close attention to everything on the channel,since nothing is a coincidence and I really like to put references in my videos xd; and not only in the videos but in the entire channel itself
Applications I normally use:
Cap cute (pro)
Cute cut
Alight motion (pro)
Audio lab
Ibis paint x
Flamingo animator (pro)
Bye o love youuu u3u
atte: the drugwithlegs