Here you will find exciting footage shot with Gopro, Sony Cams or RX-camera and aerial footage shot with several DJI drones over the years.
Drone shots: Phantom series, Mavic Pro, Mavic Air 2 and the Mavic Air 2S with the one inch sensor.
I have all necessary flight certificates (A1, A2, A3), so you can hire me for various commercial photo and/or video assignments.
Subscribe :-) A 'thumbs up' is always appreciated and/or share our footage within your own network.
Thanks for watching...
Picture Guy Video (based in The Netherlands)
Diverse beelden gefilmd met DJI drones (meest recente; Air 2S), Sony Camcorders of GoPro Action Cams. Leuke beelden van vakanties en andere interessante plaatsen, mede vanuit vogelperspectief.
Sinds 2022 bezitten wij alle benodigde vluchtcertificaten (A1, A2, A3). U kunt ons inhuren voor diverse commerciële foto en/of video opdrachten.
Word lid! Bedankt en veel kijkplezier..
Picture Guy Video