Hi everyone Welcome to Art B Class / 美術B段班頻道!這裡將帶給大家充滿「旅行、生活、空中鏡頭、寵物」的有趣影片!想第一時間收看最新作品嗎?記得要訂閱我的頻道喔!感謝演算法的神奇力量,讓我們在此相遇!讓我們一起探索世界的美好吧!
我的IG:evan14 (有問題可以到IG私訊給我)
Hi everyone Welcome to Art B Class / Art B Class Channel! Here we will bring you interesting videos full of "travel, life, aerial shots, pets"! Want to watch the latest works first? Remember to subscribe to my channel! Thanks to the magical power of algorithms, we meet here! Let's explore the beauty of the world together!