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Daniel Dehghani

311 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hey, I'm Dan, an architectural designer who has recently gra

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Daniel Dehghani
Posted 1 year ago

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to say a big thank you for helping me surpass 8,000 on Instagram!

The objective from the beginning has always been to work to bring you as much support and value as I can. Whether it's through reels on Instagram, posts and the newsletter on LinkedIn or shorts and videos on YouTube. It gives me a great feeling knowing you all are benefitting from the content and I'm really looking forward to developing my work as I progress.

I couldn't have done it without all of your support and despite me not knowing a large number of you (yet), I hope we continue building something strong and continue supporting the current and future generation of architecture students.

Thank you all so much!!

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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 1 year ago

Happy New Year Everyone!

I just wanted to write a quick note to you all as I reflect on this past year. 2023 was filled with lots of ups but equally some downs. Towards the end of the year, I began pushing more content on Instagram and began experimenting with reels more. Trying to create valuable content through a different medium and see if there was a different avenue to explore to support more architecture students. And I’m SO happy I did! With over 7,000 of you joining the community, it really does bring a sense of relief that the content is supporting you in your studies in one way or another. And with this, I hope to expand more on YouTube through a new form of creating videos after I complete the designer diaries series.

I said to myself that I’d use the Christmas period to create lots of content to have scheduled for the new year. However, I think taking some time off to rest and reset was a better decision. I have so much passion for creating content and working to think of new ways to support all of you during your studies, so make sure you keep an eye out for new posts and reels on Instagram alongside shorts and videos on YouTube!

For those of you who are thinking about starting your own platform to produce content and distribute to the community… JUST GO FOR IT!

I used to think that those within the architecture and design space that created content were part of an exclusive club that only accepted and supported members that they thought were 'worthy' of being let in. But overtime I’ve realized that this misconception was all in my head and that all I had to do was just start and stay consistent. I say this to remind you that many of the things that you believe are stopping you are just in your own mind. Let this be the year you continue pushing towards those goals, start that YouTube channel, begin posting more consistently on your Instagram page and try not to let your own thoughts of what you believe people think about your content get in your way.

Wishing you all the very best for this year and thank you for staying with me, I hope to continue bringing you all as much value as possible.


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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 1 year ago

Hello you lovely people!!

Been a while since I’ve uploaded a little update on here. I’ve been so busy with work and have tried to find pockets of time to just relax after I finish making content on the weekends. But here I am on a Monday evening having just remembered to send you all an update 🤞🏽

I’ve been wanting to create a new series where I breakdown the topics you will go through for every project at architecture school. This was explained in the recent video on my channel but I want to let you in on another thing…

So, usually I would try to upload on a weekly basis - yk for consistency reasons and “the algorithm” (still waiting for it to choose me haha). However, I think it’s only fair and right to spend some time to edit these videos in a way that brings a greater professional quality so that not only do you enjoy watching them but that they bring you even more value through the quality of each episode.

I really appreciate all your support and can’t wait to roll out this new series!!

Take care, Dan 🤝🏽

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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 1 year ago

Hey guys!

So it's been nearly 2 weeks since my last upload and I really wanted to post a video this week where I respond to questions I've been asked in the past about studying architecture. I wanted to try record this video outside and choose an environment where I could bring a fresh setting whilst still being able to deliver and answer the questions to the best of my ability. I thought IKEA could be the best place but after second thoughts, IKEA itself is kind of a video idea. 

And after having looked at the footage and realised the quality of both the visuals and audio isn't to the standard I had aimed it to be at, I've made the decision to put this video on hold. I will definitely try to remake this video in some form to bring value to all of you who are thinking of studying architecture or if you still are at both undergraduate and masters.

In the meantime, I have begun scripting a new video that I hope to upload next week. I really am trying to push myself in all aspects from the scripting, the video shots and post-production. And I hope that, just like architecture school, with more practice and time put into developing my skills, I can continue to bring you guys the best videos.

I really appreciate all of your support and hope you're all keeping well!

Look out for the new video coming next week and I look forward to seeing what you guys think of it

Take care,

(p.s. this was gonna be the thumbnail for this week's video)

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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 1 year ago

Hey Everyone!!

It's been a while hasn't it

Just wanted to send an update to you all now that uni's finished. Last Friday I submitted my final architecture project which brings my Architecture Masters and architectural education as a whole to an end (for now...).

Right now, I'm sending job applications out and really hope to start working in a practice for August / September time. With my end of year presentation this Friday and the Graduate Exhibition mid-June, there's still little things here are there.

I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you for supporting me and the channel up to now, it's been a very busy year trying to manage both uni work and creating videos but I've thoroughly loved it and wouldn't do it if I didn't.

Now that I've got a little more time, I'm really going to try to work on my videos to give you guys the best experience possible when watching (so bear with me haha)

If you haven't already, please check out my latest video which gives you a little more update on me currently and feel free to ask any questions if you're still studying or if you're graduating!

Thank you everyone!!

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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 1 year ago

With only 29 DAYS left until the final submission for my final architecture school project, I wanted to create a video to give you all an update on the work I've done, been doing and talk a bit about what's left to do. I know lots of you are going through this right now and the key is to just keep pushing through it. Set yourself a list of weekly tasks to complete with a day or two spare before the submission and then break that down into daily activities and what you aim to get completed. And before you know it, you've completed a significant amount of work towards your final project submission.

I appreciate all the support you guys give and hope to continue bringing value through the videos I create!

If you haven't seen it already, check out my monthly newsletter on LinkedIn where I share my opinion on the architectural profession:…

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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 1 year ago

Hi everyone!

Been a little while since I last updated you on what's going on so I thought I'd quickly jump on to tell you what's up

I had my Interim Review on Friday which went pretty well, it's now getting to the stage in the project to refine the spaces I've initially set up. I also found out that I received a First in my Thesis Dissertation so it was quite a reassuring feeling to push harder with this final design project. I think this has also motivated me to maybe go through and breakdown my Thesis to provide some support to those of you who will be doing it next year!

I've also started a monthly newsletter on my LinkedIn which you can find by clicking the link:…

The newsletter has been set up to provide an alternative platform for me to share my opinion on the architectural profession from a student perspective and soon to be a young professional within the industry. I hope I can also champion some of you guys' opinions through the newsletter.

So let's connect and keep growing the community!

Thank you to all of you for the support you've given so far whether it's through watching the YouTube videos, sharing Instagram posts or even connecting on LinkedIn. It means a lot and I don't take any of it for granted

Hope you all have a great Sunday and an amazing week :)

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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 2 years ago

Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well!

Jumping on quickly to tell you a little bit about next week's video. With lots of time going towards our architecture / design projects, it can become really overwhelming and at times you feel like you're working towards an unknown destination. I know it can be hard, but it just means you need to take a little break and step back to see how far you've come.

Hope the video brings you guys some value as I talk about my position right now

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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

Hope you're having a great start to 2023 so far!

This year, I'm making a conscious effort to create more content on YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter so make sure you follow to stay updated and enjoy the latest posts and videos!




So grateful for all of you that have subscribed and are following my journey so far!

It'll be a tough year with lots of university work to finish my Master's but I will work hard to bring great content that I hope brings you all as much value as possible

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Daniel Dehghani
Posted 2 years ago

Happy New Year!! ✨

Been posting more on Instagram recently and hoping to continue growing the page and also building the YouTube channel in 2023!

Check out my recent posts on IG: _danieldehghani

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