SUBSCRIBE for Sniper Tutorials, Gears of War 3 Commentaries & Montages...
This Is your central Gears of War Hub, Our Gears of War Videos will be uploaded frequently with Commentary, Sniper Gameplay & Montages and we are a very active channel, so sit back and enjoy.
Our original created Gow3 Clutch Episodes & Sniper Spree Series, be sure to go check them out
Representing Gears Australia
oOo H i S T O R Y oOo
Take No Prisoners was founded on July 2006 lead by 3 Leaders
Im Smik, Im Outlawz & Im Choppa
TNP uprising started with playing competitive clan matches for GRAW on AussieXbox, then Gears of War 1 released...
Take No Prisoners rained supreme through 2006, the entire 2007 and midway through 2008 on AXB with a unbeatable Record of 250 Wins & 25 Losses topping both ladders Execution & Warzone, earning the reputation as always the #1 top team to beat before retiring GOW competitively after GOW2's abominable launch & release
(Smik,Outawz & Murder).