Channel information:
- Content: Here you can see my game to popular online games such as: Arma 2 (Tushino server), Arma 3 (Server Tushino), DayZ Standalone, Battlefield 3, World of Warships, Total War Arena. But in 2016 mainly year = ARMA 3
- PC Features: percent i7 3700, operative 16 GB, 240 GB intel ssd 520 series, 1TB hard, vidyuha nvidia gtx 660, mouse X7 - Oscar - X7, Claudia simple, Monique 24 inches, headphones: A4 Bloody G300.
- About me: I am 24 years, the name of Andrew, live in the city of Yalta (Crimea)
- Support: qiwi +79780189626