ive been registered to youtube for almost 20 years! DANG! all though i question how much longer youtube is going to last with all their crap decisions!
Im davidevgen, im a semi retired ds and wii hacker/modder (i say semi cause i never stop completely lol) the name of my studio is DPE productions. and I'm the creator of the video's below. i do a lot of hacking and video game related videos. i also like to do eletronic work. i am a full time computer tech and run a computer and phone repair business in my town. hence why i haven't had alot of time to post on youtube. but im not going to disappear im still on here all the time. just not posting like i used to. i plan to be more active. Thanks for checking me out! ^‿^
webs.com finally died as of late 2023 (im amazed it lasted as long as it did) so kallum ar side is no more. but! its all backed up 100% on wayback machine which i have linked here.