Centennial School District bridges the cities of Portland and Gresham, Oregon, by serving approximately 5,800 students grades K-12 at 11 school sites. Our mission is collaborating in community, cultivating equity, and inspiring excellence. Our vision is to build authentic relationships with our diverse community that equitably engages and honors all voices.
We are driven by our Strategic Plan Roadmap '27 and its four key priorities:
Culturally-Responsive, Student-Centered Teaching & Learning;
Professional Learning, Growth & Wellness;
Collaboration with Families & Community; and
Comprehensive Systems of Excellence.
We have strong community support. Thanks to our voters, in the spring of 2020 Centennial passed a $65 million school construction bond, allowing the district to update facilities, renovate classrooms, build and renovate gyms across the district, update our safety and security systems, and improve energy efficiency throughout the district.