Welcome to my Carmen family of 5 YouTube channel! I’m happily married to my best friend, we have 3 boys (who are all turning into young men now) and we love to travel and see concerts! In my YouTube channel, you will see lots of memories in the past when my boys were little straight from the old camcorder tapes (I was even that 90’s girl who recorded things on my Aunt’s camcorder that I borrowed often when I was in high school!) to adventures we take in the present! We love to go to concerts (anything from old 80’s bands, 90’s bands, the boy bands and good spiritually uplifting Christian concerts) and I love to take videos of them and share them with everyone here! We also love to go on vacations and travel as much as possible so you will see a lot of my traveling videos! Usually most of our traveling consists of the East coast but sometimes it will take you all the way to California and Hawaii! But stay tuned, we have a full bucket list of places to go and more concerts to see! Enjoy!