DOLALAK is a typical Art from PURWOREJO Regency. This Dance is a relic from the DUTCH Colonial era, the Origin of the Word DOLALAK is from the notes DO and LA because this dance is only Accompanied by a two tone musical instrument using a pair of Kenong light.
Along with the times and tTecnology, the DOLALAK Dance is now Accompanied by Modern Music . namely the Keyboard, the songs that are played are varied and Diverse.
The DOLALAK Dancer is the Equivalent of a Laughing stock, Wearing a black Uniform and Wearing Short. This Uniformmimics the Army Serms of objects in ancient times. Over time, Generation of Female pullers emerged, Accompanied by Uniform modification. And now , with the precense of matrarang Dancer, One of the towing groups that still has them is the DOLALAKDance group from KALIGESING. Dolalak Dancer can experience Trance, which is a condition where thay are not aware because thay are so IMMERSED in a DANCE and MUSIC.