The river is the lifeline for our beloved Bangladesh. The river covers the whole land like a net so that our vision is to conserve and restore our rivers. The quality of river water, Safe waterways, Water security, healthy nature, river pollution- erosion, Biodiversity, Ecosystem everything is the subject of our Content. We don't just look at the river as a flowing reservoir. The river is a living being to us like a human being. It has also had its own story of happiness and sorrow, history, tradition, & legal rights. We don't want to lose another river. Let the river flow at its own pace like a merry youth. We carry out awareness and training activities by uniting experts from different mediums in this struggle to save the river. A riverine country that we want to leave to the new generation - which is a lush green field.
We are the voices of river-loving people: We are the friend of rivers: RiverFix.