Welcome to Dropkick Subs! The three of us, Orio, Gasarocky, and Vnots, are aspiring translators aiming to bring Japanese Vocaloid songs to exposure in the English-speaking world! We work closely together to ensure the highest quality of translation we can achieve.
We contact all the relevant composers to request permission to republish their works with subtitles. We do not monetize our content. If we cannot reach a composer, we look to see if they have previously allowed derivative works, and take that as an okay unless they explicitly deny permission.
We also take requests when possible.
私たちDropkick Subsは、単なるボーカロイド好きな翻訳者グループの非営利チャンネルです。英語圏の人もボーカロイド歌を楽しめるように、ニコニコ動画に乗っている動画を英訳して、Youtubeへ投稿させて頂いています。