Formed by brothers Dameon and Gabe in 2001, Aranda is an emotionally charged rock band out of Oklahoma City. The brothers made their national debut with their self-titled effort released on Astonish Entertainment that found the brothers with their first two hit singles "Still In The Dark" and Whyyyawannabringmedown" with the latter being covered by pop sensation Kelly Clarkson. In 2012 the brothers released their sophomore record Stop The World that yielded 2 top 15 hits with "Satisfied" and "One More Lie". Relentless touring around the country followed where the band was direct support to bands like Daughtry, 3 Doors Down, Sevendust, Halestorm, Shaman's Harvest, Three Days Grace, and many more. 2015 brought another album entitled "Not The Same". The record offered up 2 more Top 20 radio hits with "Don't Wake Me" and "We Are The Enemy". After a 4 year break, their new album is due March 2022. 18 years later, the brothers doing what they've loved to do together their whole lives.