Here you will find videos on estate, succession and personal planning.
To inherit and to bequest are complex and demanding. Act now while you can. Provide for your loved ones.
Who will succeed you according to the law, the Swiss Civil Code? Should you deviate from the intestacy rules? Who do you want to benefit? Do you prefer a testamentary succession?
As of 1.1.2023, the revised (new) inheritance law applies. Reduced statutory shares make it possible to favor third parties, a stepchild or a life partner more by testating. Internal company succession is facilitated.
Find out more, e.g., about a will, contract of inheritance, marriage contract (aka postnuptial agreement), living will (AHCD), power of attorney, health care proxy, beneficiary, bequest, legacy, appointment as one’s heir, foundation, executor, advancement (of inheritance), gift, purchase, loan, life insurance, usufruct.
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