in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
早幾日有朋友問 parsley 碎係邊到買,超市有乾賣但味道同新鮮就差好遠,間唔中又會見到一盒盒新鮮嘅但好貴。我呢啲係街市菜檔(呢檔有賣啲做沙律嘅菜)買,十元夠晒用,切碎咪係新鮮 parsley 碎,我會加埋蒜蓉同橄欖油去 grill octopus。
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試試冷門麵粉,來自拉脫維亞,衹需要 HK$6/500g,即不用US$1,營養成份列出有 12% 蛋白質,是正常含量,今週末做麵包時試用,看看表現如何。
Try unpopular flour, from Latvia, it only costs HK$6/500g, that is, less than US$1, the nutritional content lists 12% protein, which is a normal content, try it this weekend when I make breads, and see how it performs.
Latvia is located in northeastern Europe, next to the east of the Baltic Sea. It was a member before the collapse of the Soviet Union and is now an independent country. Bread is the main food in traditional European countries. I hope this flour is very suitable for making bread. If it performs well, I will buy more while the price is still low.
10 - 4
香港電台第三台 Brunch With Noreen 邀請講 local home cooking,已經廣播出街。
Invited by Brunch With Noreen of the Channel 3 of RTHK for an interview regarding local home cooking, it was on air.
Part 1:…
Part 2:……
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香港電台第三台 Brunch With Noreen 邀請,錄節目講 local home cooking,好好玩嘅經驗!原本祇係錄兩輯,錄完之後主持人 Noreen 問我可唔可以錄多兩輯,咁好玩當然答應佢啦!
Invited by Brunch With Noreen of the Channel 3 of RTHK for an interview regarding local home cooking, a really good and funny experience! Supposed to record 2 episodes, after the recording, Noreen asked whether I can help to record 2 more episodes, it is full of fun so of course my answer is Yes!…
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I will try my best to respond to the comment (except for some, which I have been explained before and no more explanation), my native language is Hong Kong-style Cantonese, if the comment is in Hong Kong-style Cantonese, I will respond in Hong Kong-style Cantonese; if in traditional Chinese, I will respond in traditional Chinese; simplified Chinese to simplified Chinese and English to English; for other languages, I am still learning hard (just kidding)! Please pardon me and forgive me if I write poorly or incorrectly other than my native language.
10 - 4
我頻道的新視頻有英文,繁體中文 ,簡體中文字幕了!
New video of my channel is with English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese Subtitles now!
我係香港人,港式廣東話係我母語,拍片最理想當然係用我最流利母語;叫做讀過吓書都有啲英美學位,一般日常(特別係工作上)寫講英文尚可應付,但始終唔係母語,讀書果陣係 science 同工程佬,又唔係主修英語,中學時學拼音又肥晒佬,但好多外國朋友話聽唔出我有好重香港口音,我已經覺得係超成功!
所以有啲無聊人,不停走嚟留言話我某某英文字發音不正確,我係唔會理佢!我呢到講煮食麵包,唔係研究外語,咁鍾意教人英文就去教書囉或者請過主去講劉家傑果啲 channels 到揾交嗌(識得劉家傑你同我都係果個 age group 🤣🤣🤣),我冇咁無聊去理啲無聊網上遊魂!
除咗英文叫做由細學到大,係職場幾十年,又曾經主管過大中華區,飛過無數次北京,上海,重慶,台北,高雄;多年操練,尚算可以操一口頗流利普通話,國內新相識朋友聽唔出我係香港人,問我係咪來自其他東南亞國家,再傾幾句又問我係咪來自廣東,嘩!咁過獎呀!香港人啲普通話係國內係出晒名㗎,一聽就知係嚟自香港,因為非常之有娛樂性 🤣🤣🤣!聽唔出我係香港人?好大讚賞喎!
頻道最初,最容易處理係加上英文字幕,寫得唔好,用字唔準,grammar 有錯就請多多包涵!主要係溝通作用,明就得啦,已經達到我嘅目的。
最近我終於揾到一啲方法,可以快好多就做到中英字幕,有咗繁體中文字幕,又可以好容易做到簡體中文字幕!可能我係好白痴,根本唔係好難嘅嘢,衹係我一向唔識,最近先摸到出嚟,但總算摸到啦!我以後嘅 video 都會有英文,繁體中文同簡體中文字幕;舊 videos 就會有時間先慢慢搞,會處理啲較受歡迎嘅 videos 先,較少人睇就真係慢慢啦!
I have always been thinking of how to improve from time to time, so that it is suitable for most audiences. However, my resources are limited, my skills are also limited and I need to constantly hone and improve, and I have to keep learning.
I'm from Hong Kong, and Hong Kong-style Cantonese is my native language. The best way to make a video is to use my most fluent native language. I did go to school and have some US/UK degrees, generally, I can write and speak English on a daily basis (especially for work), but it’s not my mother tongue. I was a science and engineering guy back when I was a student, and I don't have English as a major in my degree. I learned the phonetic alphabet poorly in middle school and failed, but many foreign friends can’t tell that I have a strong Hong Kong accent. To me it is already a huge success!
So there are some annoying people who keep coming and leaving comments saying that some of my English words were pronounced incorrectly, and I am not bothered to respond! My channel is about cooking and bread, not studying foreign languages. If he wants to teach people English, he can go and be a teacher or go to some channels about Josiah Lau to look for a fight (if you know Josiah Lau, you and I are in the same age group 🤣🤣 🤣)! I am not interested in even responding to such annoying people!
In addition to the English which I have been learning since I was a kid, I have been in the workplace for decades, and I have been in charge of the Greater China region. I have taken countless business trips to Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Taipei, and Kaohsiung. After years of practice, I can still speak quite fluent Mandarin. New acquaintances in mainland China can't hear that I'm from Hong Kong from my accent. They ask me if I come from other Southeast Asian countries. After a few more words, they ask me if I come from Guangdong! Wow! The Putonghua of Hong Kong people is very famous in mainland China, once a Hong Kong speaks people there can immediately tell he is from Hong Kong. They can't hear I am from Hong Kong, I take it as a big compliment!
At the beginning of this channel, the easiest way to deal with it is to add English subtitles, if the writing is not good, the words are not accurate, or if there are grammatical mistakes, please forgive me! It's mainly for communication, if you can understand then I have already achieved my purpose.
Later, a Taiwanese friend left a comment asking me to add Chinese subtitles. Of course, what she was referring to was not Hong Kong-style Chinese, but the correct and authentic Chinese language. I also tried it, but it was very difficult. A five minutes video requires over 10 hours of writing subtitles.
Recently, I finally found a way to produce Chinese and English subtitles much faster. With traditional Chinese subtitles, now I can produce simplified Chinese subtitles with great ease! Maybe I'm an idiot, it's not that difficult at all, it's just that I never knew it, but I finally have worked it out! My future videos will have English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese subtitles; if I have time I will add back the subtitles to my old videos but it will take time. I will deal with the more popular videos first, it will likely take a long time for the videos which have fewer views.
11 - 10
香港家居廚房一般都係好細,我屋企都算唔太差。係一個小廚房一邊煮一邊拍片都真後相當有挑戰性,有時揾位放 camera 都唔容易!我已盡力而為,亦會繼續努力,不時係能力可負擔下買啲不同工具希望拍出更好嘅 video,但請千萬唔好同一啲有專業廚房、有好多資源買專業器材同有專業製作嘅頻道比較,家居小廚房製作係有一定局限性,請多多包涵亦希望你欣賞 🙏🙏🙏!
Household kitchens in Hong Kong are very small generally, my one is not bad already. Taking video while cooking in a small kitchen is really challenging, sometime I even feel not easy to find a location to set my camera! I have already tried my best and will continue. If I can afford, I will buy different tools and instruments from time to time in order to make better video. However, please do not compare my channel with someone who have professional kitchen, a lot of resources for professional instruments as well as professional production. Household small kitchens have a lot of restrictions,I hope you understand and appreciate 🙏🙏🙏!
24 - 9
2019 年初抱住貪得意心情開左呢個 channel,胆粗粗講煮食同焗麵包,雖然純業餘興趣但亦真心有放心機同努力,最開心係收到一啲支持嘅留言,更開心係同一啲朋友互相交流知道佢哋參考我嘅方法而成功!
我呢個一人頻道資源非常有限,一個自家小廚房,一部智能電話就拍片錄音,再用電腦剪輯,乜都做晒!後來用一部小型 Gopro 攝錄機,用手機加應用程式做遙控,邊煮邊講邊控制錄影,一腳踢,每次錄影都係挑戰,煮衰咗或拍衰咗(如漏左㩒掣錄影)或錄音衰咗(如抽油煙機大聲過我把聲,又或者我食螺絲)係冇得 NG,唯有食咗算,下次拍過!
慢慢又覺得一部 camera 角度單調,但買多部又好貴,結果淘咗部山狗,質素都算相當 ok,但我要一人同時控制兩部用唔同手機 apps 嘅攝錄機!搞搞吓頂唔順,終於買多部 Gopro,起碼兩部 Gopro 係同一手機軟件平台,upload 啲 video 過電腦用同一軟件。
At the beginning of 2019, I established this channel just for fun. I put up a lot of courage to talk about cooking and baking. Although I am an amateur, I did give my effort seriously; it was always my great pleasure to see some supportive comments. I felt even better when I exchanged experiences with some friends and knew that they succeeded after taking my approaches.
This single-handed channel has very limited resources: it was started with just a small home kitchen, a smartphone for recording and a home PC for editing! Later on, I got a Gopro camera, and I used an app on a smartphone to remote control the camera. To create a video, I spoke and operated the camera while I was cooking, really a solo show! Every recording was a challenge to me; if there were hiccups on cooking, or hiccup on the video (e.g. I forgot to press "record" on my camera while being busy on cooking), or hiccup on audio (e.g. the ventilation fan was louder than my voice or I spoke something wrong), there was no NG. I could only eat the food and do it again next time!
Later on, I felt that one Gopro camera could only take one angle of view but it was expensive to buy one more, so I bought a Sargo camera via Taobao eventually. The camera quality was fine but I had to operate two cameras simultaneously via two different smartphone apps, which was really hard for me. Ultimately, I bought one more Gopro, so now two cameras are simply operated on the same smartphone application and can both interface with my PC with the same software.
Recently, I started trying not to narrate while cooking, instead recording and dubbing narratives during post production. I could focus on cooking and video recording first and bother with the narrative later on. At the post production stage, I would edit the video then dub in the narrative audio and adjust the background sound.
I hope that I can always do the best with limited resources and have continuous enhancements. Nonetheless, this is a single-handed channel, so please be patient and have more tolerance for anything which is not so perfect!
44 - 19
我的 YouTube channel 剛超過一千訂户,謝謝大家支持。再次強調我非專業廚師,從未接受正統訓練。所有煮食知識純因為貪玩而自學,煮食目標主為家庭及好友共聚之樂,拍攝影片及後期製作亦是業餘水平。你們的支持是我不斷改進的動力,如未訂閱歡迎加入,更感謝你與別人分享我的 channel。
My YouTube channel has achieved more than one thousand subscribers, thank you very much for your support. I would like to reiterate that I am not a professional chef and have never been trained formally. My knowledge of cooking is all due to my hobby and self-learning. My cooking target is for fun with my family and for hosting parties with good friends. My video shooting and post production skills are all at amateur level. Your support is the motivation for me to continuously improve. If you have not subscribed, please subscribe. I appreciate very much if you share my channel with others.
It is free of charge to subscribe to my channel. Recipes and cooking procedures are described there. Click the little bell, select all and you will be notified when I have new videos. Videos are in Cantonese with English subtitles.
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識條鐵、識條鍊嘅廚子! 一個對廚藝係識條鐵、識條鍊嘅一家之煮,膽粗粗班門弄斧,同大家分享飲飲食食!千祈唔好以專業廚師水準來睇我,完全唔係果皮,誠意搭夠啦😅!
我較鍾意煮西式食物,師承 Jamie Oliver,但佢唔識我呢個徒弟,我煮西餐係由睇佢啲煮嘢 DVD 開始,睇吓學吓跟吓,又發覺唔難學,煮好左仲相當 ok,依家都經常上堂即係翻睇佢啲 DVDs、書、佢 YouTube channels !😅
整麵包我亦相當熟手,自從培養左啲 sourdough starters 成功之後,每星期都焗麵包供應全家。
I have never been trained as a professional chef but I love cooking as a leisure hobby.
I love cooking western dishes, Jamie Oliver is my "teacher" but he never knew me, I started to cook western food when I started to watch his DVD. I followed him to cook and found it not so difficult and result was very good. Even now, I keep on learning by watching his DVDs, books and his YouTube channels. 😅
Since I have successfully cultivated my own sourdough starters, I have been baking breads every week for my whole family.
I also cook traditional Hong Kong family style Chinese dishes, my family love my cooking.
Please support my work for this channel.