Pokemon Trainers Unite!
Welcome this is the OFFICIAL HQ for all Pokemon Trainers so stay,chat,battle,trade whatever a Trainer can usually do.
We have got contest areas, battle areas, Multiple Safari Zones for each type, and our own Elite Four.
Be sure to tell other trainers about this place so they'll be able to be part of this too.
If your first time trainers you'll have to pick your Pokemon partner.
Three Kanto Choices:
Grass Type:Bulbasaur
Fire Type:Charmander
Water Type:Squirtle
Three Johto Choices:
Grass Type:Chikorita
Fire Type:Cyndaquil
Water Typer:Totodile
Three Hoenn Choices:
Grass Type:Treecko
Fire Type:Torchic
Water Type:Mudkip
Three Sinnoh Choices:
Grass Type:Turtwig
Fire Type:Chimchar
Water Type:Piplup
Other Choices:
Normal Type:Eevee
Electric Type:Pikachu
Fighting Type:Riolu