The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Goron Mask is one of four special masks that Link may borrow from the Happy Mask Shop after completing the Happy Mask side quest. It has no special features, and it is only used for comedic purposes, such as inducing various reactions from other people.
The Gorons are seemingly fooled by the mask and say that Link has to eat green rocks to grow up big and strong. The exception is Darunia, who is angered upon seeing Link in the mask. If Link wears the mask in front of a Zora in Zora's Domain, it will say that he doesn't look like he can swim very well, which may be because Gorons cannot swim. Interestingly, if Link wears the mask and shows it to King Zora, he will say that it reminds him of his childhood friend, Biggoron.
[edit] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
"Darmani! You... You are alive. You always did say, "I cannot die until I've eaten 1000 tons of rock sirloin!""
— A Goron
The Goron Mask is one of the game's four transformation masks, allowing Link to assume the form of a Goron while wearing it. After Link obtains the Lens of Truth, he is able to see the ghost of the Goron hero Darmani in Goron Village. Darmani is surprised to find that Link is able to see him, and asks him to follow him. Upon arriving at the Goron Graveyard near the Mountain Village, Darmani relates to Link the story of his death and his lingering feelings of regret for having died without being able to aid his people.
Link plays the "Song of Healing" to heal his sorrows, allowing him to let go; his power is sealed inside the Goron Mask. Using the power of the mask, Link is able to read the writing on Darmani's tomb and learn how to utilize his famous battle techniques. While wearing the mask, the Gorons mistake Link for Darmani. In this form, Link is able to use the Drums of Sleep, and learns the "Goron's Lullaby" from the Goron Elder and his son, allowing him to make the cursed Biggoron fall asleep and admitting passage to the Snowhead Temple.